made with honey
Other items that are not considered safe for chinchillas are decorations and accessories that are made of materials that chinchillas should not be allowed to chew on or ingest. Some examples of these are houses held together with honey, plastic items, nylon, wheels that are too small or made of wire mesh, roll around balls, and harnesses and leashes. These items can cause medical problems or injuries to chinchillas. Below are a few items that are not safe for chinchillas or are detrimental to their health.
Another option for purchasing supplies for chinchillas is online. There are many places online to order chinchilla supplies. Breeders, rescues, and people who just love chinchillas offer a wide variety of items at very reasonable prices. Often, including shipping, the items can be purchased for less than half the price that pet stores ask for the same item. Again, keep in mind that not every thing offered is safe for chinchillas.

Porrly ventilated, causes heat stroke.

To small causing back issues
Breaks easily

Mesh running wheel
causes serious injuries to limbs

Harness and leash
can break a chinchilla’s ribs
Below is a short list of places that sell chinchilla supplies online.
Chins and Hedgies Forum - Classified Ads
Chin World
Chinchilla City
Camphor Chins