For those who would like to give the occasional treat, here is a list of safe treats.

One Unsweetened, Plain Cheerio
A Pinch of Uncooked, Old Fashioned, Rolled Oats (not the instant or the quick cooking types)
Half a Plain Shredded Mini Wheat Square
An Organic Rose Hip
A Variety of Hays (brome, orchard grass, oat grass, botanical hay)
Other items that chinchillas enjoy as treats in unlimited quantities are:
Wooden Sticks or Chews (see safe woods list) – pesticide free, scrubbed, boiled and dried

Lava or Pumice Blocks
Willow Balls
Grape Vines – treated the same way as wood
Wooden Toys
Loofa Chews (do not use the kind that has been bleached and dyed for human bathing)
Avoid giving any of the following:
Fresh or Dried Fruits (contain too much sugar and can cause diarrhea, bloat and possibly even death)
Fresh or Dried Vegetables (can cause diarrhea, bloat and possibly even death)
Nuts and Seeds (contain too much fat, will cause liver problems and a shortened life)
People Food (contains too much sugar, fat, salt, etc.)
Trail Mix (contains many items that are unhealthy for chinchillas, additionally can cause obesity)
Alcohol (Deadly)
Chocolate (Deadly)
Note: Do not add treats to chinchilla’s pellets. This causes chinchillas to dig through their food, discarding the pellets in search of treats. This is known as pellet digging and can cost a lot of money in wasted feed. Also, when a chinchilla pellet digs, they will eat only the treats and leave the healthy pelletted food uneaten.